Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Thankful today

Hi everyone! So sorry life has been crazy lately and I haven’t been able to blog.

I just wanted to write a short post to say how thankful I am to all of you readers. I never imagined I would be a blogger and yet here I am (albeit an absentee one lately!), with all the thanks going to you.

Being able to connect with likewise people around the world has always been a comfort to me. Animals are truly my passion and meeting others who share that value is something I greatly appreciate.

I have so much to be thankful for this year: my family, my true and loyal friends, and this year in addition to my blog and you supportive readers I have a small business that allows me to give back to animals in need.

I am more thankful this year than I have ever been.

For those who are celebrating Thanksgiving, I hope you have a wonderful one. It is my favorite day of the year and I have so much to be thankful for.

I hope all of you know how grateful and humbled I am to have your support and love of the piggy that is too cute and mischievous not to love.

I will be back next week – get ready for some adorable pig and puppy pictures :-)


~ Katie

post from sitemap

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